The Partiologist: Dog Party
Showing posts with label Dog Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dog Party. Show all posts

The Dog House!

I have good news - today is the last day of the Paw-Ty and you won't want to miss it!   Oh yes, my friends, I had to make a cake.  A dog house cake.  And in my mind, it really was so easy to put together.  In real life? 

Not so much!
Dog House Cake

Pupcakes in the Park!

I wanted Pupcakes in the park for the dining table centerpiece.  But how??? This is  where I started:

Grass ~ Check
Tree ~ Check
Frisbees ~ Check
Paw Prints ~ Check
Fence ~ Check
And this is how the table ended up!

Doggy Themed Party Table

Come, Sit, Stay!

I can't wait until the end to show you the dining table.  Complete with pup cakes in the park!  I didn't really know what I was going to do for this dog themed party table.  It was bad enough that my guests had to eat sweets and puppytizers out of dog dishes that I didn't want to make them eat out of dog bowls at the table.  So I let them eat on a plate. 

Come, Sit, Stay.

Cake Pups!

For those who haven't been following, I recently hosted a Dog Paw-Ty for my ceramic dog Maxine, we call her Max for short.  Yes, that's correct, she is ceramic!  And NO real dogs were allowed at this paw-ty.  I'm pretty sure you can't have a dog paw-ty without having Cake Pups, right?  So I did my best to create something I thought Maxine and her guests would enjoy. 

A Cake Pup for Everyone!

The Barkery!

You might think I spelled the title of my post wrong.  Nope, it is The Barkery, a place where I made all of Maxine's favorite treats to share with all the others at the paw-ty.  Come, Sit and Stay awhile so I can show you all the Barkery Treats!

The Barkery
I found all the dog bowls at the dollar store - they were just purr-fect!  (Oops, no cats allowed!) 

Push Pups!

It could be dog years until I finish up with all the puppy treats.  I hope you'll show me some puppy love and hang in there, or you'll be in the dog house for sure!  I had an idea for push pops pups. 
Are you ready for a girls best friend?

Push Pups!
M is for Max!


Hmmm...where to begin, I have so many things to share with you from the Paw-Ty.   I guess I should start with the Puppy-Tizers.  A little snack for the pooches (human guests) until everyone arrived for lunch.

From top left:
Jalapeño Puppy Poppers
Turkey Dogs are Barking
Cinnamon Sugar Dog Bones
Bread Stick Chew Toys


I hoped my guests didn't think this greeting was too rude.  I thought it was the only way to welcome all of Maxine's friends and they loved it! 



I do hope you enjoyed the Elegant Bridal Shower because the next party I have planned is anything but elegant.  I don't know why, I really wanted to have a dog party.  Only, I don't have a dog, but...Mable and Molly do.  And I thought it was only fair that since I had a birthday party for Mable and Molly, I should have a party for their dog, Max (short for Maxine) and she is ceramic.

Happy Birthday Max!

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