The Partiologist: Shabby Chic
Showing posts with label Shabby Chic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shabby Chic. Show all posts

Vintage Themed Desserts!

I guess you could say summer is in full swing... as in hot. So it's the perfect time to stay indoors and continue on with the Vintage Themed Sweet 16 Party. If I'm being honest, I probably wouldn't be outside even if it were cool. 

I really loved how sweet the party turned out. The birthday girl is just that...sweet!

Vintage Themed Desserts!

Vintage Themed Sweet Sixteen!

 This vintage themed Sweet Sixteen party was for my niece who is talented beyond her years! She loves vintage style and design. When planning her Sweet 16, I knew exactly what I wanted to do. So come along and see some of the Sweets!

Vintage Themed Sweet Sixteen!

Decorated Take Home Box!

Obviously, I love making sweet things cute, it's my favorite part of preparing for a party.  This party was no exception, in fact I think I had more sweets then any party before.
It's been a tradition, because I make so many sweets, I let my guests take a few sweets home to enjoy with their family.  In the past, I've used recycled containers from all the take out (a lot of take out because I'm busy making all the sweets).  This time I decided to decorate little boxes for each guest to fill and take home. 
Decorated Take Home Boxes!

DIY Ribbon Wands!

When thinking of ways to make the birthday girl feel special on her big day, ribbon wands came to mind... like the kind kids play with, only on a smaller scale.  Being there is a kid locked inside of me, it wasn't long before I created enough wands for each guest to wave after a toast of champagne.
DIY Ribbon Wands! 

Displays & More!

Sometimes a person just can't stop creating, said person being me.  Yes, more sweets were made to fill up the space around the cooktop.  Sometimes enough is not enough.

Shabby Chic Desserts

Mini German Chocolate Cheesecakes!

This one almost got away from me, I had so many desserts I panicked when I thought I had forgotten to photograph the Mini German Chocolate Cheesecakes.  Looks like I didn't need to panic...I got photos and even remembered to serve them.  Have you ever hosted a party and after the guests were gone, you find something you forgot to serve?  Yea, me too.   I guess after all the work and the way they ended up so cute, it would have been reason to panic if they were forgotten.  They are now gone, but not forgotten!

Mini German Chocolate Cheesecakes!

Crazy Crunch Popcorn!

There are more ways to serve popcorn than with butter and salt.  This is one of my favorites and packaging it with a label, takes it to a whole new crunch!
Crazy Crunch Popcorn!

Shabby Chic Dessert Table!

It's time! Time to put it all together and show you the dessert table.  Even though the dessert table was for a birthday, it could easily be used for a bridal shower, baby shower or any other reason to celebrate.  There's always a reason to celebrate, right?
Shabby Chic Dessert Table

Pina Colada Cake Balls!

If you like Pina Colada's, getting caught in the rain...I could go on, but I think you get the picture.  When I found this recipe online, I couldn't wait to give it a try.  I waited with high was just what I looked for, I knew in an instant...I loved Pina Colada Cake Balls.
Pina Colada Cake Balls

Lace Topped Cake Pops!

I admit I can't grow anything outdoors, so all of my urns are inside, being filled with something sweet.  When I ordered these urns, I had plans to use them out on my front step, filled with something beautifully faux.  I found them in a catalog and they were just what I was looking for.  Quickly, I ordered and waited patiently for them to arrive.  Pretty soon, two small boxes appeared on my doorstep, I opened the boxes to find two small...very small urns, about twelve inches tall.  Looks like I should have read the description.
I really think it was meant to be, or I would not have had these urns to plant my pretty flower cake pops, right?
Lace Topped Cake Pops!

Another Way to Serve Cake Pops!

Today, it's not how you decorate, it's how you package that can turn simple cake pops into a shabby chic dessert!  After finding a cute little bike (photo below) with a place to hold a plant, I knew exactly what I wanted to do and it didn't involve dirt.  I found the fabric, ribbon and bows, just couldn't decide what to put inside.  I knew I wanted it to be round... not too big (a popcorn ball) or too small (a truffle) something just right.
Yep, I could be Goldilocks.
Finally it came to me.  A cake pop, a simple cake pop just dipped, not decorated. 
Yes, it was just right!
Shabby Chic Wraps

Cake by the Slice!

If you're wondering what kind of cake you would eat by the ocean, this is it.  Although I would eat this cake anywhere, anytime, anyway.  Normally when you think of a birthday cake, you think of the entire cake, frosted and decorated.  But you have to remember, I'm not normal when it comes to cake, in fact the only reason to decorate the cake and leave it whole is to keep myself from eating any...even a tiny bite.

After making and decorating a cake, the hardest part is waiting for the occasion to eat it.  Guests might notice a slice missing if you cut into it, but don't worry, I've found a making cake slices, one or two pieces could go missing without notice.  Let me show you just what I mean, cake by the ocean...

Cake by the Slice

Chocolate Almond French Macarons!

It's really not my intention to teach you how to make macarons.  In fact, I wish someone would teach me, like come into my kitchen for a hands on lesson.  Or send me to France.   I'm just here to say, I gave them a try.  Truthfully, this is my second attempt making macarons and I'm convinced a trip to France is necessary.
Chocolate Almond French Macarons!

Espresso Chocolate Truffles!

Want a fun way to get a double whammy caffeine fix?  Add it to chocolate and by chocolate I mean Chocolate Truffles.  The most time consuming part of this project was driving all over trying to find chocolate covered espresso beans, maybe I should have made my own.  Hmmm, have you ever made your own chocolate covered espresso beans?
Of course they are not your ordinary round, rolled in cocoa powder, truffle.  These were whipped and piped and served in a hand made candy wrapper.
Espresso Chocolate Truffles

Shabby Chic Birthday Cake!

Sometimes I'm a teacher and sometimes I'm a student...being a student used to be complicated, but not anymore, because the only school I attend is the Sugar Ed Productions Sugar Art School!  When I noticed a new cake video being offered at the school, I knew it would be the cake I wanted to make for the Shabby Chic Birthday party. 
So with coffee in hand and the click of the computer, my video was the first class of the day.  It was a challenge, but one I was up for. I hope you enjoy the beauty of the Shabby Chic Birthday Cake I created for the party.
Shabby Chic Birthday Cake

Pretty Lace Cookies!

What you're about to see is what I call the prettiest cookies I've least in my opinion.  Staying with the theme of Shabby Chic, I didn't want the cookies to look too vintage, just fun and lacy.  Cake know it's my new love, don't you?
Pretty Lace Cookies!

Rose Topped Cake Pops!

You are going to be happy and maybe a little sad when you see this post.  I think you'll be happy when you see how pretty my rose cake pops turned out, but you might be sad I just realized I don't have any photos of the process.  Although it might have been a little hard to get a photo of me in action piping the rose.  I really need to get a you tube life, right?  I thought about "you tubing it" and even had this little stand to hold my camera.  Had is the key word.  I dropped my lap top on the stand and broke off the top, yep, broke it completely off.  Fortunately my laptop was not damaged, it's a monster laptop and can pretty much hold it's own.
So for now, I'll just show you the pretty rose topped cake pops and try and explain how I made them.  And maybe someday I'll buy another stand for my you tube decorating debut.
Rose Topped Cake Pops

Dipped and Decorated!

You know what they say, everything is better with chocolate.  Or did I make that up?  I'm pretty sure you know by now how I love chocolate, right?  And it doesn't have to be over the top, time consuming recipes to make me happy.  In fact, you'll see exactly what I mean...

Chocolate Dipped Licorice

Edible Rose Topiary Trees!

Today's the day you'll want to see what I have in store for you.  If I could choose a favorite from the party, this might be it, although I may have several favorites from the party.  Not only were they perfect for a Shabby Chic party, they would be an adorable addition to your mother's day table.  You haven't forgotten Mom have you?
When I found the tiny little pots, I fell in love, everything miniature is the cutest, right? You didn't know they make flower pots so small did you?  I'm not sure what they are for, probably gardening or something.  Now, let's get this straight, you know my terra cotta pots will never be filled with anything that actually grows...just say'in.  Okay, now that we have that out of the way, let me show you what I planted...or should I say baked?
Edible Rose Topiary Trees

Shabby Chic Oreo's!

While working on the party, the Oreo's sat undecorated for a while.  With so many options, I didn't know which way to turn.  Roses, lace, sprinkles, hand painted...the list goes on and on.  Who knew an Oreo could cause so much excitement, besides eating them of course.
Finally it came time to make a decision and stick to it.  Sometimes (okay most of the time) I say, oh I should of, or I could of, but this time I decided to got for it and not look back.  Then the little shabby chic bunting Oreo's were created.
Shabby Chic Oreo's

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